Thursday, October 14, 2010

Աշնան երգը - Chanson d'autumn

A very beautiful, expressive and sonorous translation of Paul Verlaine's incredible poem about autumn by my beloved Vahan Terian! And of course Van Gogh's Jardin d'autumn that makes the sensations visible and even more impressive!!!!!!!!!

Անլուռ լալկան

Ջութակն աշնան

Սիրտս մոլար

Ցավով համառ

Մաշում է հար

Եվ Միալար…

Գիշերն է տոթ

Կրկին գալիս,

Բերում հուշեր

Դառն անցյալից…

Լալիս եմ ես,

Նորից լալիս…

Գնում եմ ես,

Ու չար մի հողմ

Տերևի պես

Տանում է ինձ

Այս կողմ, այն կողմ

Տերևի պես…

Վահան Տերյան

Les sanglots longs

Des violins

De l’autumne

Blessent mon coeur

D’une languer


Tout suffocant

Et, bleme, quand

Sonne l’heure

Je me souviens

Des jours anciens

Et je pleure;

Et je m’en vais

Au vent mauvais

Qui m’emporte

Deca, dela,

Pareil a la

Feuille morte.

Paul Verlaine


  1. That is such a wonderful poem, thank you so, so, so much for posting it, Ani!!
    I love the way it sounds in french. It almost sounds like autumn to me. Hard to explain..
    To me, it's so much like the other poems of Hemingway and Hesse (steps) - it's about the way autumn makes us feel sometimes. The way we feel the "change" everywhere we go and everywhere we look. So sad, but so beautiful.

  2. Dear Magda,
    That really sounds like autumn makes us feel sometimes!!! Because autumn is a secong spring when every leaf is a flower!!!!!!(A. Camus)

  3. Thank you Ani for this poem!

    Autumn is a season when one can feel as many different ways as colors has nature and the cycle of life!
    There is no life without death, no laugh without tears...

  4. Great poem by Verlaine. All the great poets in all languages,have sung the autumn. In Spanish Ruben Dario, Antonio Machado and Octavio Paz. Autumn is beautiful because it is sad. It reminds us what life is like

  5. Thanks guys for the comments!!!!

    Yes autumn is sad, it reminds us of life circles and changes!!! But in each of the season there is wisdom, there is special gift in each of them, like in every life situation that makes us learn and grow!!!!!!
    The autumn will definitely be the second spring,when we try to find new, colorful flowers in each autumn leaf!!!!!!!!!
